Confined Spaces Rescue Courses
Confined work spaces can include tanks, vessels, ship and barge hulls, trenches, sewers, and pipelines. Conducting rescue operations in narrow, constricting, and dimly-lit areas can be risky.
We can teach your team how to operate in small, confined spaces with limited oxygen and hazardous chemicals. Learn to navigate small spaces & keep your workers safe.
Eliminating Hazards in Enclosed Spaces
Rely on us to guide you on how to operate safely in an enclosed space. Our nationally recognized, hands-on course will teach you to perform rope-based exercises, perform real-life rescue scenarios at your work site. Our course includes:
- The basics of enclosed spaces
- Atmospheric testing & hazard control
- Safe operating procedures in confined spaces
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) training & rescue
- Rope rescue procedures & industrial first aid
- Risk assessment & hazard recognition
Trusted Provider of Confined Spaces Training Courses
We offer enclosed space training programs! Each custom course ensures your organization and team complies with local, state, and federal standards.
What’s more, our facility is used by our staff to simulate emergency situations in confined areas. Our dual approach combines classroom lectures with field instruction in which each of your employees will have hands on experience to aid them in learning rescue skills.